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common denominator中文是什么意思

用"common denominator"造句"common denominator"怎么读"common denominator" in a sentence"common denominator"的同义词


  • 公分母;共同特色。


  • Matters of judgement reduced to the lowest common denominator acceptable to a majority of the voters .
  • As the world gets smaller , english serves as the common denominator for communication
  • C is a great common denominator ; authoritative source ; mature product ; active support mailing list
  • Environmental toxins may be a common denominator here , according to davis and her colleagues
  • Computers and computation are the most prominent common denominators of this multi - disciplinary merger of previously separate domains
  • Regardless of the sales pitches , remember that the lowest common denominator in internet security is people not technology
  • Think of elementary school when you had to reduce fractions to the " lowest common denominator . " that ' s what good writing is all about
  • With awt , we are left with the least common denominator limitation : only widgets that exist on all platforms are supported
    使用awt ,我们将受到“最小公分母”限制:仅支持存在于所有平台上的窗口构件。
  • The common denominator is yao ming . when he is aggressive and forceful , houston is a handful . when he ' s not , the rockets are an also - ran
    姚明(只)是普通的命名. (但)当他打得好斗且有力量,休斯敦就成为(令其他球队)难以对付的球队.反之,火箭会成为失败者
  • Now web services technology can serve as a common denominator over which applications of different technologies can communicate and be integrated together
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
用"common denominator"造句  


  • an attribute that is common to all members of a category

  • an integer that is a common multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions

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